What is NHSMail?

NHSmail is a secure email platform, this means it meets the secure email standard (DCB1596) which is a requirement for any organisation who needs to share patient identifiable information via email. By using an NHSMail account you can also securely share information with other professionals (such as local authorities, police, coroners etc) without the need for measures such as password protecting the data you send or receive.

NHSmail also has an encryption feature which means you can send encrypted emails to Gmail, Hotmail etc accounts: https://support.nhs.net/knowledge-base/encryption-guide-for-nhsmail/

In the coming months your GP and/or clinical lead will only be able to communicate service-user identifiable secure information with your organisation via NHSMail or an accredited email system approved by NHS Digital (information is available here if you wish to accredit your own organisation, please see here for organisations who are already accredited). For the majority of providers, particularly those who do not have internal IT departments, the most simple solution to do this is to utilise your NHSMail account to share secure information which is open to all adult social care providers.

What do I need to do to ensure I am using NHSMail?

All CQC registered adult social care organisations in Dorset can access NHSMail free of charge. We encourage you to use NHSMail for exchanging service-user identifiable information to ensure GDPR compliance.

Partners in Care offers support to help you activate and use your NHSmail account. You can join our regular support sessions or refer to the downloadable information available on our webpage for assistance with any queries. Additionally, one-on-one support is available by contacting our team.

Other benefits of NHSMail:

  • Free access to Microsoft Teams
  • It counts towards your KLoEs
  • CQC registered providers can have up to 10 email addresses per site
  • Medication Requests
  • Liaising with GP, District Nurse, Speech & Language Therapist
  • Receiving results of Covid tests for service users being discharged from hospital
  • Receive emails without the use of CISCO or other third party encryption services
  • Securely sending images for diagnostics
  • Securely exchanging information with local authorities and other care providers
  • Liaising with family members
  • Utilising Microsoft Teams for MDT meetings & Continuing Health Care Assessment Meetings